Pennsylvania STEAM Academy

Pennsylvania Steam Academy Complaint Policy

The following policy and procedure is adopted by the Board of Trustees for the purpose of providing a process for the resolution of complaints from parents/guardians of our students. The Board shall ensure that this policy is made publicly accessible through the School’s website.

It is the intent of the Board that complaints be addressed and/or resolved at the lowest appropriate level within the School governance structure.

Complaint Procedure

Complaints shall begin with an informal direct discussion between the complainant and the school employee who is most directly involved.

That employee shall attempt to provide a reasonable explanation or take appropriate action within the employee’s authority. The employee shall report the matter and the resolution to his/her immediate supervisor.

If that discussion fails to resolve the complaint the complainant shall submit a written complaint to the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee. The written complaint shall include the contact information of the person filing the complaint, the specific facts relevant to the complaint; how the student or complainant has been adversely affected and the action requested. The CEO or his/her designee shall provide a written response to the complaint.

If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved through the referral to the CEO or designee or if the resolution of the complaint is beyond the CEO’s authority then the Board shall consider the matter and advise the complainant of the result in writing. The Board may or may not hold a hearing for this purpose.


Any complaints first directed to the Board or to individual Board members shall be referred to the CEO for consideration, investigation and action. If further action is warranted, such action shall be in accordance with the procedures outlined above.

CEO:  [email protected]

717-884-0950 Ext. 122